National Honor Society Pillars
Juniors and seniors who have maintained an overall cumulative average of 92.00 or higher for the 9th grade to the last semester of their previous year shall be eligible candidates. The academic threshold is 92.00 exactly (e.g. an average of 91.98 would fail this threshold.)
Transfer pupils' sophomore and junior grades, which are in letter form, will be converted to the mid-numerical grade of their school. If no numerical scale is provided, the letter grade is converted to match the corresponding mid-numerical grade at the academy.
Juniors and seniors who fulfill the scholastic requirements and meet the following criteria for service, leadership, and character by the established deadline are eligible for election to the National Honor Society. The service and leadership verification process must be completed in a two week time period.
A. Service
1. Definition: Service incorporates those actions undertaken by a pupil which are done with or on behalf of others above self-interest. To demonstrate service, a pupil will:give time, effort and talents for the class, school, or community;
Volunteer and provide dependable and well-organized assistance to others;
Work well with others and be willing to take on difficult responsibilities.
Note: Service is not based on classroom or community work/projects/activities for which grades or pay are given. Nor does mere membership in school or community organizations qualify as service. In addition, practice and/or preparation hours for a game/event are not eligible.
2. Procedure
To be eligible, pupils must evidence a minimum of 100 documented hours of service.
The eligible hours are those accrued commencing with freshman year of high school.
These hours should consist of a minimum of two service roles - one in the school (academy or sending district) and the other in the community (i.e. non-profit national organizations, scouts, hospitals, libraries, and places of worship).
One service role must be significant, equivalent to 40 hours -the remaining 60 hours may be cumulative time from several activities with a minimum of 5 hours per activity.
Pupils complete and submit the service forms to the prospective references.
The National Honor Society advisor should receive completed forms by the established deadline.
Note: No additional information will be accepted after the established deadline. Therefore, students should submit documentation for any and all service activities in which they have participated
B. Leadership
1. Definition: A leader organizes and motivates others to achieve a common goal. A leader:
Demonstrates respect, responsibility, initiative and self motivation;
Demonstrates attitudes and behaviors that are supportive of others' goals and needs in the classroom or community;
Contributes ideas and looks for innovative ways to improve civic life;
Exhibits managerial qualities such as delegating tasks, running effective meetings and empowering others.
Note: Leadership qualification is not restricted solely to those holding elected offices.
2. Procedure
To be eligible, pupils must evidence a minimum of 50 documented hours of leadership. (These hours are in addition to the service hours required.)
The eligible hours are those accrued commencing with freshman year of high school.
These hours should consist of a minimum of two leadership roles, one in the school (academy or sending district) and the other in the community (i.e. non-profit organizations, scouts, hospitals, libraries, and places of worship).
One leadership role must be significant, equivalent to 20 hours -the remaining 30 hours may be cumulative time from several leadership roles with a minimum of 5 hours per role.
Pupils complete and submit the leadership forms to the prospective references.
The National Honor Society advisor should receive completed forms by the established deadline.
Note: No additional information will be accepted after the established deadline. Therefore, students should submit documentation for any and all leadership activities in which they have participated.
C. Character
1. Definition: A person of character demonstrates the following:
Meets promptly individual pledges and responsibilities both inside and outside the classroom;
Upholds the highest standards of honesty, respect, reliability, fairness and tolerance;
Adheres to school rules and regulation (i.e. attendance, tardiness, truancy, academic honesty, conduct, etc.);
Takes criticism willingly and accepts recommendations graciously.
2. Procedure
To be eligible pupils will submit to ten faculty members, of their choice, the appropriate character reference form
Pupils are responsible for returning all ten signed character reference forms to the National Honor Society advisor by the established deadline
All faculty and the building principal receive a list of eligible National Honor Society candidates.
All faculty and the building principal are invited to comment on pupil’s character and meet with the faculty council.